MedCities dóna suport al desenvolupament i implementació d’estratègies de desenvolupament de la ciutat juntament amb altres projectes urbans. Proporcionem als nostres membres recursos, experiència i assistència tècnica.
El principal objectiu de MedCities és la posada en pràctica de projectes dels nostres membres. Tots ells estan relacionats amb el desenvolupament de capacitats, assistència tècnica i transferència de coneixements.
NATURIncMed gives technical support to southern Mediterranean municipalities in the planning and design of green and socially inclusive spaces as a lever for a more climate resilient and socially impactful urban environment.
MedCities is supporting Libyan municipalities to enhance technical capacities in different citizen-oriented basic service domains throughout interregional exchanges with network members. The project aims to enhance Libyan municipalities' technical capacities, through interregional exchanges and digital capacity-building formats
MEDSEATIES- Inclusive governance for sustainable Mediterranean coastal metropolis, aims at contributing to the empowerment of Mediterranean local authorities and private stakeholders in the multilevel decision-making processes related to the management of coastal cities
MED-3R is a strategic project of the multilateral cross-border cooperation "Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme", which is part of the new European Neighborhood Policy and its financing Instrument (ENPI) on the theme of « Treatment & Recycling of Wastes ».
Le projet vise à renforcer les capacités et le rôle des gouvernements locaux de la Tunisie à la gestion des déchets et la salubrité de l'environnement urbain, en s'appuyant sur le travail de définition des lignes stratégique...
Improving Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and Measures in the Mediterranean. A 3 years' Interreg MED project approved on 2016 on environmental sustainability
Liderat per l’Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, el projecte ValEUr Gabès dona suport al municipi de Gabès en l'optimització de l’aigua de pluja urbana mitjançant la planificació eficient dels recursos hídrics no convencionals i la...
The update of the Tetouan PCD (Plan Communal de Développement) is a project coordinated by AERYC (America-Europe Association of Regions and Cities), with technical assistance offered by the team of Medcities General Secretariat, and the participation of Urban Quality...
The Local Development Agency of Chefchaouen in collaboration with the Municipality and the association Foundation Ibn Rachid, and with the support of MedCities and the CoMun Program of the GIZ, implements a project for the reinforcement of the handicraft sector...
Dannieh Union of Municipalities is a strongly agricultural territory and has the advantage to count with water resources. However, the sector lacks professionalization and thus efficiency. Enhancing the agricultural practices is therefore key to the socio-economic development of the territory...
El projecte modular InCircle del programa Interreg Med es basarà en projectes anteriors, i tot capitalitzant els coneixements i les eines disponibles per provar una nova metodologia que aplicarà els principis de l’economia circular al sector turístic, tot...
ANERIS will create, test and implement the next generation of scientific tools and methods for marine life-sensing and monitoring.
The RAMUD project (Réseau d'Action en matière de Mobilité Urbaine Durable) is an initiative to promote knowledge exchange on transport issues among different cities of the Mediterranean.
El desenvolupament d’Estratègies de Protecció Costanera tenint en compte els efectes del canvi climàtic per a les províncies de Cadis, Màlaga i Almeria és una iniciativa finançada pel Programa de suport a la reformes...
Comunitat Mediterrània de Protecció de la Biodiversitat (MBPC) - Integració dels esforços de gestió de la biodiversitat per a la sostenibilitat mediambiental.
Strengthening the capacities of Tunisian Municipalities to implement energy transition actions through networking and transfer of experiences
ProcuraMED aims at supporting the transition towards competitive, innovative, sustainable and resilient ecosystems in the Mediterranean developing innovation capacities of enterprises and local authorities and the uptake of advanced green technologies by means of Strategic Procurement Procedures.
En el marc del Programa Interreg Med (2014-2020), el projecte horitzontal de Transports Urbans pretén aplanar el camí cap a la mobilitat sostenible a la Mediterrània per mitjà de la replicació de les millors pràctiques, la integraci...
Within the framework of the GiZ project Urban adaptation to Climate Change in the Maghreb, EViMACC aims to capitalise and disseminate practical solutions to climate change adaptation in the Maghreb and favour knowledge exchange between cities.
BLUEFasma Interreg Med modular project belonging to the Blue Growth Community seeks to increase innovation capacity to enhance circular economy performance in the fishing and aquaculture sector in the Mediterranean area.
El desenvolupament d’una Estratègia de Protecció Costanera tenint en compte els efectes del canvi climàtic per a les Illes Balears és una iniciativa finançada pel Programa de Suport a les Reformes Estructurals (SRSP en les seves...
The Municipality of Sfax, with the support of CoMun Program, the german cooperation (GIZ) and MedCities, is implementing a project on waste management in the Medina in order to improve the environmental quality and quality of life of residents and...
MADINATOUNA - Strengthening and disseminating strategic urban planning initiatives in Tunisia, focused particularly on the cities of the interior part.
The main objective of this Project is to contribute to the improvement of the urban mobility in Sousse, through the design and implementation of an Urban Mobility Plan (UMP) to increase the social and economic development in the Sousse metropolitan...
The objective of the “Mediterranean Climate Change-Adaptation Metropolitan Initiatives Workshop”, co-organised with the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB), is to share experiences between MedCities members on planning climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies and articulating territorial stakeholders around them
The project aims to promote and strengthen the action of the municipalities of the Mediterranean region in favor of sustainable, inclusive, and resilient economic development. Firstly, pilot actions will be implemented in the cities of Zarqa (Jordan) and Agadir (Morocco...
URWAN aborda el vincle crític entre la regeneració urbana i els recursos, aprofitant el paper de les solucions basades en la natura en la integració de la gestió de l'aigua i l'adaptació al canvi climàtic. El projecte implica...
El projecte HERA durà a terme tres accions demostratives del benefici que la infraestructura verda aporta a les ciutats, en aquest cas en tres exemples de ciutats Mediterrànies.
To foster the adoption of a Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus approach in the Mediterranean through a Nexus Community of Practice (NCoP) to confront the climatic and environmental challenges facing societies and agro-ecological systems.
The Green Living Areas Thematic Community aims to amplify the transnational impact of the Euro-MED thematic projects, focusing on their contribution to climate change adaptation and mitigation to ensure territorial resilience, citizens’ well-being, and the prosperity of the MED region...
BlueMissionMed will inspire, inform, assess, mobilise, connect and empower all the actors that can take a role in preventing and eliminating pollution in the Mediterranean sea and waters.
D4N aims to contribute to the transition to a climate-neutral and resilient society, by protecting, restoring and valorising the natural environment and heritage of the Mediterranean region
The USUDS Project was an initiative of MedCities to brought together Mediterranean cities interested in building and developing urban sustainable development strategies.
Contribute to increase urban resilience to climate change by promoting the naturalisation of urban spaces in Bethlehem, Jerash and Saida.
ENSERES is a project seeking transformative changes with an integrated solution approach at transboundary level, both in and outside areas under legal protection, and involving public authorities, socio-economic actors and civil society organisations engaged in natural and urban areas. Specifically...
LASERMed (Local action for the socioeconomic recovery in the Mediterranean : the cities respond) a funded by the Diputació de Barcelona and led by MedCities in association with the municipalities of Zgharta-Ehden (Lebanon), Oujda (Morocco), Sousse (Tunisia), As Salt (Jordan). The...
MED4Waste (Mediterranean Dialogue for Waste Management Governance) is a Project funded by the European Union, under the ENI CBC MED programme The programme is managed by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Italy) and aims to facilitate new governance models...
L'Agència de Desenvolupament Local de Chefchaouen, en col·laboració amb el municipi i l'associació Fundació Ibn Rachid, i amb el suport de MedCities i el Programa CoMun de la GIZ, implementa un projecte per al reforç del sector artesanal...
Social and Intercultural Dialogue through Governance for Local development: Mediterranean Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture (UPA)
MADRE is an Interreg MED Modular project on Capitalisation that focuses on the priority axis 1 "Promoting Mediterranean innovation capacities to develop smart and sustainable growth", and the specific objective 1.1 To increase transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of key...
ASIMA Tunis està finançat per la Comissió Europea en el marc de la convocatòria de propostes “Autoritats locals: associacions per a ciutats sostenibles” (EuropeAid/161146/DH/ACT/Multi) que té com a objectiu promoure el desenvolupament urbà integrat per...
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod