Employability & entrepreneurship in M’Saken and Chefchaouen

Closed: 01/09/2021 – 31/08/2022


Employability & entrepreneurship in M’Saken and Chefchaouen


Project overview




130.000 Eur



EMPLOIMed aimed to establish a support service for employability and entrepreneurship in M’Saken and Chefchaouen, offering spaces for co-working, information, training opportunities, and support for young people.

MedCities launched the project EMPLOIMed, financed by the Catalan Agency for Cooperation to the Development (ACCD), which aims to establish a support service for employability and entrepreneurship in both cities, offering spaces for co-working, information, training opportunities, and support for young people.
In October 2021, a first meeting with the municipalities’ team of M’Saken and Chefchaoen was organized online in order to start planning the project activities in accordance with their needs.

General objective  

The overall objective was to strengthen the role and capacities of the local governments as actors of economic development in supporting its youth population’s employability and promoting entrepreneurship

Specific objectives

The main activities and objectives of the project were:

  • To develop a methodological guide on the needs, services and resources to set up a support service for youth’s employability and entrepreneurship.
  • To establish the support service and identify tools to consolidate the service in the long-term.
  • To provide training in soft skills for young people and promote the co-working space.
  • To implement specific professional training for youth in the economic sector offering more job opportunities in M’Saken and Chefchaouen.
  • To organize a job fair in each territory bringing together local businesses and young unemployed people.


The main beneficiaries were the municipality of M’Saken and Chefchaouen. Upscaling transferring activities could benefit a wider array of member municipalities.

Main SDGs addressed

GOAL 4: Quality Education

GOAL 5: Gender Equality

GOAL 8: Decent work and economic growth

GOAL 10: Reduce inequalities

GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Atelier d’échange d’expériences en ligne – Projet EMPLOIMed

These are the infographics (download the English version and Français) highlighting the main outcomes of the EMPLOIMed project.

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