Strengthening and disseminating strategic urban planning initiatives in Tunisia, focused particularly on the cities of the interior part.
MADINATOUNA – Strengthening and disseminating strategic urban planning initiatives in Tunisia, focused particularly on the cities of the interior part.
The initiative is implemented within the framework of the Cities Alliances country program under the coordination of UNDP, and in partnership with MedCities, GIZ, CILG –VNG, FNVT and CFAD.
The general objective of the program is to contribute in the Integrated Development and local governance of the cities in Tunisia, through the reinforcement of the urban participation and strategic planning in Tunisia. The project is addressed to eight Tunisian cities and aims at developing participative urban planning strategies. MedCities is responsible for the methodological component of the project and will accompany the cities of Kairouan and Gabès in the definition of their urban strategies.
Thus, the foreseen results of the project are:
– Strategic Urban Planning Component: Local authorities in 8 cities have developed and are prepared to implement a Participatory and Inclusive City Strategy (SdV)
– Component Training and networking: The capacity for strategic urban planning of local authorities and Tunisian experts is strengthened and a shared learning dynamic through the sharing of experiences between cities is supported.
– Component Capitalization and dissemination: National and regional authorities, in particular the FNVT, are involved in the reflection on strategic planning and support is provided to local authorities to capitalize strategic planning approaches and their dissemination.
UNDP Tunisia (United Nations Development Programme in Tunisia)
-MedCities, member of the UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments)
-Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ – Tunisia (agency of international cooperation – Germany)
– Féderation Nationale de Villes Tunisiennes,
– Centre de développement international pour la gouvernance locale innovante CILG-VN
-Cities of Beja, Gabes, Jendouba, Kairouan, Médenine, Monastir, Sidi Bouzid, Tataouine
Area: Maghreb
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