ValEUr-Gabes:Enhance urban water through innovative actions and instruments

CLOSED – From 2021-July 2024

ValEUr-Gabes:Enhance urban water through innovative actions and instruments

Project overview


Barcelona Metropolitan Area



Gabès City Council


797.910,55 €


European Commission (EuropeAid)

Led by the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, ValEUr Gabès project supports the Municipality of Gabès in the optimisation of urban rainwater though the efficient planning of non-conventional water ressources and the implementation of pilot projects.

1. Description

ValEUr Gabès aims to reinforce Tunisian municipalities on water management in a context of climate crisis, specifically targeting rainwater planning at municipal level in Gabès, a southern coastal Tunisian city dealing with semi-deserter climate, chemical industry and exceptional maritime coast resources. 

The project seeks to contribute to a better governance and local appropriation of efficient water management, through a participatory process to define the non-conventional water resources plan (NCWR Plan), involving all stakeholders: Gabès city council and other Tunisian public administrations, private sector, civil society, water users’ communities and so forth. MedCities is the partner responsible to accompany the elaboration of the strategy and action plan.

Furthermore, ValEUr Gabès aims to transfer technologies and know-how through feasibility studies, and exchange experiences and knowledge, through study missions and targeted training, in order to enhance local capacities.

The project also foresees the implementation of 3 pilot interventions to enhance rain water collection and reuse in municipal buildings and rainwater infiltration for the artificial recharge of the aquifer, to be evaluated and capitalised to other Mediterranean cities. MedCites will be responsible for the communication, transfer and capitalisation activities of the project to its members and regional stakeholders on water management.

The project responds to the objectives identified in Gabès City Development Strategy relative to the optimization of water management in order to address the following challenges: drought and ground water pressure, sporadic flooding due to strong seasonal rains, water salinization and sandbank, and lack of integral and sustainable water resources management.

2. General objectives

Enhance Tunisian cities’ capacity to face the impacts of climate change through planning and innovation for the efficient management of urban water.

3. Specific Objectives

Promote the valorization of rainwater in urban areas through innovative technical and institutional strategies and actions in Gabès and disseminate them in Tunisia and in other similar contexts in the southern Mediterranean region.

4. Beneficiaries

Municipality of Gabès (Tunísia).

Main SDGs addressed:

The project is linked to SDG 6 on clean water and sanitation and will contribute directly or indirectly to several objectives (6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.a, 6.b).

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