operAtional seNsing lifE technologies for maRIne ecosystemS

On Going- January 2023 to December 2026


operAtional seNsing lifE technologies for maRIne ecosystemS

Project overview

ANERIS will create, test and implement the next generation of scientific tools and methods for marine life-sensing and monitoring.


Develop the next generation of scientific instrumentation tools and methods for sensing marine-life by integrating different types of marine life-sensing technologies: genomics, imaging-biooptics and participatory sciences.

Specific objectives

1. Co-designing and co-developing new technological solutions and data products for Operational Marine Biology (OMB)

2. Developing protocols and methods of validation and prototyping OMB-technologies around world-class research infrastructures (RI), particularly in the marine domain area

3. Establishing a quintuple innovation helix framework and promoting international networks of collaboration around OMB-technologies (addressed in WP6)

4. Implementing a dedicated training program of OMB-technologies, with particular focus on the staff linked to the involved RI

5. Enabling edge-to-cloud integration for data-driven OMB workflows, including dedicated services of AI-based automatization for data processing and quality control

The first axis of the project seeks to strengthen the capacities of the municipalities in terms of creating job opportunities, job guidance, and support for entrepreneurship in order to guarantee the economic and social rights of women and young people in Morocco.

Main activities

In ANERIS, we propose to develop the next generation of scientific instrumentation tools and methods for sensing marine-life. The design of the new instruments and methods will integrate different types of marine life-sensing technologies: genomics, imaging-biooptics and participatory sciences. The technologies will be implemented in a co-design framework, involving all the interested stakeholders: academia, industry, civil society and government. The project proposes the concept of Operational Marine Biology (OMB), understood, as a biodiversity information system for systematic and long-term routine measurements of the ocean and coastal life, and their rapid interpretation and dissemination. The production of FAIR Operational Marine Biology data will be carried out in a distributed IT infrastructure built from edge and cloud compute nodes, to be connected with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The technologies will be tested and validated in different case studies, involving the ANERIS innovations, commercial instruments to be improved and different world-class research infrastructures (RI). The project will develop a training program for the operation and use of these new solutions for all the involved stakeholders and particularly the research infrastructures staff. Overall, the project proposes to benefit all the actors involved in the quintuple helix framework of innovation, promoting innovation and knowledge sharing among them: (1) the academy with new life-sensing technologies to use in research; (2) the industry with new technologies and methods to exploit; (3) the governments, with improved observational systems and data products to be used in environmental management directives; (4) the civil society, empowered through the proposed participative technologies and large collaborative networks and (5) the Research Infrastructures, integrating new generation of sensing instruments and methods, and their staff being trained on those new technologies.


MedCities will engage city members from all over the Mediterranean basin to participate in the citizen science key moments of the project to get reliable data from integrating different types of marine life-sensing technologies.

Main SDGs addressed

ODS 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

News from the lead partner (ICM-CSIC) here

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