Climate change risk management in coastal cities


Social Networks

We want our member cities and other stakeholders interested in the topic to participate in this workshop.

AVITEM is playing a crucial role in preparing the Mediterranean dimension of this coalition, as coordinator of a process involving a network of expert partners, Plan Bleu, the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) Intermediterranean Commission (IMC)Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC), the Sea’ties Initiative led by the Ocean & Climate Platform (OCP), the schools of architecture of the Melimed project, the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)MedCities, the Mediterranean Institute of Water (IME)pS-Eau (Programme Solidarité Eau), to bring out the “voice of the Mediterraneans”.

The session is thought to reach the following publics: Mediterraneans, territorial planners, coastal risk management experts, local actors, researchers, students in the field of sustainable development, and civil society representatives are invited to join us for a workshop on the management of water-related mechanical and chemical coastal risks.

Date and place
17 October, Alexandria

Program and Registration (online and onsite participation)

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