AVITEM, Cycle 2022: Metropolitan seminars “from project to action”


Social Networks

The metropolitan seminars propose a sharing of experiences in which you will be able to confirm your strategic and
operational approach of the territorial project, from vision to implementation.
Participate in these seminars to discover metropolitan contexts and experiences in the Mediterranean, to exchange
on the projects you carry out on a daily basis and to question your professional practices.

Benefit from a framework of high-level exchanges and productions thanks to the diversity of know-how, projects
and professional cultures of the participants and organising structures.
Confirm your planning approach and develop your project and process management skills.
Join a network of over 300 planning experts – elected officials, civil servants, private planners, academics, civil society actors – who have participated in previous metropolitan seminars and benefit from common resources.
Access a knowledge of cooperation and financial intervention tools and of actors such as AVITEM, AFD and CMIUNOPS, especially in their relations with the countries of the South of the Mediterranean.

Date and place
Izmir and Beirut, November 2022 – January 2023

Brochure and more information