The replication of the solutions in the Mediterranean area is the focus of the new phase of the project: the Urban Transport Community project. We hereby would like to present to you the components of this renewed partnership for the 2019-2022 period.

Sustainable mobility is a key part of a city’s strategy to increase its livability and fight climate change. Mediterranean cities are densely populated, with numerous challenges related to traffic and congestion, air pollution and safety in public spaces. Their exposure to the impacts of touristic seasonality adds up pressure on the need to plan for accessible, sustainable and effective mobility transport modes.

The GO SUMP project (Interreg Med 1st phase 2016 – 2019) lead by the city of Malaga proposed innovative solutions and tested methodologies in regards to mobility planning (modelling, designing or upgrading Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans), provision of alternative modes of transport (electro-mobility, inter-modality in public transports, bike sharing, etc.) or rethinking urban space to reduce congestion.

You will find an overview of the concrete results of the project here and a presentation of its territorial modular projects’ results reading or watching the presentation of the Handbook on Sustainable Mobility in the Med Area. GO SUMP was also an opportunity for mobility experts and representatives of the Med area to assess the challenges of mobility as shown by the analysis and solutions developed by EnernetMOB modular project, which will pursue its activities under the second phase of the Urban Transport Community.

The replication of the solutions above in the Med area is the focus of the new phase of the project: the Urban Transport Community project. We hereby would like to present to you the components of this renewed partnership: 

MedCities #LeadPartner #NetworkOfCities #Sustainability #UrbanDevelopment #ReplicationInMedRegion

UNIMED Mediterranean Universities Union #CommunicationLeader #NetworkMedUniversities #Research #Education #Cooperation

Area Science Park #TransferringLeader #Research&Innovation #TerritorialDevelopment #SustainabilityPolicies

CIVINET CY-EL #CapitalisationLeader #NetworkofLocalAuthorities #CIVITASGreece&Cyprus #BetterTransport #CleanerMobility

CODATU #Network #SustainableUrbanMobility #DevelopingCities #CitytoCityCooperation #CapacityBuilding

POLIS, Cities and Regions for transport innovation #EuropeanNetwork #Cities&Regions #UrbanTransport&Innovation #EUPolicy #InnovativeSolutions

Durres Municipality #Municipality #TransportationHub #Tourism #SUMPUnderDevelopment #GoodPractices #ReplicationInMedRegion