The city council of Sfax and Chihia organised “Day without cars” in the frame of the MAIS Project on the 24 and 25 September.

Part of both city centers was closed to car-traffic, making it safer for cyclists and pedestrians to move around. A technical and reparation point for bicycles was set so that users could learn how to fix their own bikes. The rich program of activities gathered cycling associations, citizens, and civil society organisations to raise awareness about low-carbon transport modes and promote an alternative mobility culture by showing the effects of traffic jams and pollution.

As stated by the Mayor of Sfax, Mr. Mounir Elloumi, Sfax aims to become a city made for pedestrians and to lead the transition for the whole region, as it is prettier and safer with fewer cars. Mr Haj Tajeb, Director of works at the municipality, declared: “The public transport is the backbone of such transition so that citizens find reliable alternatives to their private cars”.

The MAIS project aims to promote the transition of the agglomeration of Sfax towards green and resilient urban development in the face of climate change, through sustainable urban mobility and contributing to national commitments in terms of energy saving and promotion of renewable energies and international commitments (Agenda SDG 2030). The project is funded by the European Union, the GIZ and ACCD, and is led by the municipality of Sfax in partnership with the Municipality of Chihia and MedCities.

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