The city of Sfax is strongly committed to fight climate change with innovative and ambitious solutions in many fronts. With the support of MedCities and by participating in front-line internationally funded projects, the city is looking into active and smart mobility, together with its coast-line protection, as focus of two very new projects in the city. 

The Mayor of Sfax hosted the meeting that brought MedCities Secretariat to Sfax the last 24 February 2022. The meeting was held in the frame of the preparatory works of the new project led by the city council, MAIS, featuring MedCities as main partner. MAIS, standing for “Active and Smart Mobility through innovative actions in the field of energy savings and resilience against climate change”, is a 4-years project kicking off next April 2022 and funded by the European Union (EuropAid – « Les villes du Voisinage Sud se Mobilisent pour le Climat »). 

The team also discussed another project undergoing with participation of the city of Sfax, the ENSERES project, an ENI-CBC Med initiative capitalising on good practices for coast-line protection and resilience against climate change effects. 

The fruitful discussions held in Sfax will now be followed-up with regular contacts to prepare and launch both project activities, which will surely generate long-lasting impacts in the city’s resilience and welfare. 

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