Reinforcement of the handicraft sector in Chefchaouen


Reinforcement of the handicraft sector in Chefchaouen

Project overview





Local Development Agency of Chefchaoue



Ajuntament de Barcelona i l’AMB (160.000 eur) in collaboration with de CoMun Program of the GIZ and the CMI Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) (18.000 $)


Ajuntament de Barcelona

CoMun Program of the GIZ


CMI Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF)

The Local Development Agency of Chefchaouen in collaboration with the Municipality and the association Foundation Ibn Rachid, and with the support of MedCities and the CoMun Program of the GIZ, implements a project for the reinforcement of the handicraft sector as a vital economic activity

In 2010, the city of Chefchaouen has developed the Communal Development Plan, with the participation and collaboration of local stakeholders and civil society. The main objective of this Plan is to reinforce the architectural and environmental identity of the city, through the development an eco-tourism with quality.  

Recently, the city has been recognized as world intangible heritage by UNESCO for its “Mediterranean diet” and it has presented a request to recognize the city as part of the universal material patrimony. This strategic plan is the result of strengthening municipal capacity, a goal that MedCities and CoMun-GIZ program have been promoting for several years.

Under the framework of the technical assistance, the Municipality of Chefchaouen, the Ibn Rachid Foundation and Local Development Agency of Chefchaouen, have emphasized the need of having technical support in the handicrafts sector. This request arises from the axis developed under the CDP to “promote, preserve and consolidate the architectural and cultural heritage while keeping the identity of the Urban Community of Chefchaouen” (Line 1) and to “develop, redefine economic sectors city by strengthening quality tourism, strategic axis of the economy of the city “(axis 4).

General objectives of the technical assistance project

To strengthen the Urban Community of Chefchaouen in the promotion of the intangible heritage and traditional skills to support the territorial excellence and the touristic and economic promotion of Chefchaouen

Specific objectives

  • Support the Urban Community of Chefchaouen in municipal planning and intervention in the framework of its Communal Development Plan, with the aim to strengthen and revitalize the handicraft sector,
  • Improve the knowledge of the handicraft sector and identify key issues for its development,
  • Facilitate learning and exchange of good practices in connection with the economic promotion of the handicraft sector

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