The managing bodies of the Medcities association are the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, the Presidency and the General Secretariat. Learn more about us, here.
This is the supreme governing body of MedCities and it is made up of all MedCities members. The sessions of the General Assembly can be ordinary and extraordinary. Ordinary meetings are held once a year. Extraordinary meetings are held when in the opinion of the President the circumstances make this advisable, when the Board of Directors agrees to this, or when proposed in writing by one-tenth of the members. For more information on past MedCities General Assemblies, please visit
MedCities is managed and represented by a Board of Directors made up of 7 to 9 members: one President, five to seven members, and the Secretary-General. A Vice-president and a Treasurer are designated. All the posts forming the Board of Directors are unremunerated. These are appointed and revoked by the Extraordinary General Meeting and their mandate lasts for four years. The Board of Directors meets as often as is determined by its President and at the initiative or request of three of its members.
The MedCities Board of Directors for the period 2023-2026 was approved by the members at the Extraordinary General Meeting held online, on 31st January 2023. The composition of the current Board is as follows:
The President is the legal representative of MedCities at any kind of public and private body. He or she calls, presides over and concludes any sessions of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors, as well as directing their discussions. The President adopts any urgent measure that the proper running of MedCities makes advisable or that proves necessary or useful in undertaking its activities, with no detriment to rendering accounts to the Board of Directors thereafter. The Vice-president shall stand in for the President in the latter’s absence, on grounds of illness or for any other reason, and shall have the same attributes as him or her.
The Presidency has been held by Barcelona, Marseille, Tangier, Limassol, Rome and Tétouan. The current President of MedCities is Montpellier, represented by Mr. Michaël Delafosse, Mayor of Montpellier.
This administrative body assists the President and Board in their respective tasks. It is in charge of the ordinary running of MedCities; ordering payments and authorising any documents, certificates and correspondence with his or her signature; governing the purely administrative work; issuing certificates, and keeping any books that may be legally established and the file of members, and shall custody legal documents, having the notifications sent as regards the designation of Boards of Directors and other corporate agreements that can be entered in the relevant Registries, as well as the presentation of the annual accounts and compliance with documentary obligations in the terms legally applicable.
The Secretary-General, from 2019, is Mr. Josep Canals Molina
Relevant documents related to the operation of MedCities – the Statutes and Rules of Procedure of the Association, and its most recent Budget, Annual Accounts and Independent Audit Report – can be downloaded using the links below.
The legal name of MedCities is ‘ASSOCIACIÓ MEDCITIES I/O MEDCITES’ and the association is registered to the Spanish National Registry of Associations, Group 1R, Section 1A, National Number 609851. The association is regulated by the Spanish law of associations 1/2002 of 22 March, which controls the Right of Association, Law 9/21017 of 8 November regarding public sector contracts also applies to the association, which is not exempt from VAT according to VAT (‘IVA’) law 37/1992. It is obliged to present the society’s tax (‘impost de societats’) but exempt from its payment according to law 27/2014 of 27 November. MedCities is also subject to Law 19/2014 of 29 December of the Government of Catalunya regarding Transparency, Access to Public Information, and Good Governance, and to the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) of the European Parliament.
Consult the statutes and internal regulations.
Action plan, budget, activity reports and grouped annual audited accounts
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