Last 12th December 2014, MedCities particpated in the event organised by the  Joint Managing Authority in Rome, to present the NextMed Conference and mark the passage to the ENI (European Neighbourhood Instrument) CBC Med 2014-2020 Programme.

The Conference, sponsored by the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, aimed to showcase the achievements of Cross-Border Cooperation in the Mediterranean region and highlight coming challenges under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). The event gathered a wide range of actors of the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation among political, EU and project representatives.

Participants had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the strategy, objectives and priorities of the new ENI CBC Med Programme, and to participate in thematic workshops focused on ENPI CBC Med funded projects.

The two thematic workshops that run in parallel during the afternoon, were focused on projects dealing with “Socio-economic development“, including Business and SMEs development, support to education, research, technological development and innovation and promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty; and projects dealing with “Environmental sustainability” including Water, Waste, Renewable energy and energy efficiency, Integrated Coastal Zone Management.

In the framework of these workshops, the Sousse Pilot Project «Fighting Against School Failure» developed under the USUDS project, was presented.

In addition, an exhibition offered a journey through the 95 projects funded by the ENPI CBC Med 2007-2013 Programme.

The Conference was also streamed live on the Programme’s

For more information on ENI CBC Med Programme