Organized by UNEP-MAP Barcelona Convention, and hosted by Athens, MedCities was present with other members and observersThe two-day high-level meeting served to review the progress of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025 activities, including the implementation of MSSD and its Flagship Initiatives since the 20th Meeting of the MCSD (Marseille, 14-16 June 2023); and the MSSD revision process and timeline, and guide as appropriate on the way forward. The meeting brought together sustainable development stakeholders in the Mediterranean, including the directors of the 6 regional activity centers, observers (AFED, UfM, MedCities), as well as 2 representatives of the MedYouthGroup.

MedCities participates in the Steering Committee meeting of the Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development (MCSD) from UNEP MAP.  We presented our tasks to the 2 emblematic initiatives: the IstanbulAward and the Medurbantools open resources platform MedCities manages.

MedCities’ Secretary-General, Mr. Josep Canals Molina, presented the MedUrbanTools website as a sustainable urban development knowledge-sharing toolbox: “MedUrbanTools is open to all cities, metropolitan areas and institutions that would like to share knowledge and good practices. It’s designed as an open platform to underpin knowledge-sharing, it features a user-friendly interface offering technical content and multimedia materials based on best available practices, thus promoting urban analyses while inspiring new initiatives. We want it to be recognized all over the Mediterranean, and to be useful for those public policy implementers that need inspiration to advance in political decisions”

As far as the Istanbul Award is concerned, the MCSD Steering Committee expressed its gratitude to the Secretariat and Medcities for the fourth edition of the Istanbul Eco-Friendly City Prize. The Committee agreed that this initiative should continue as a Joint WFP/Medcities Initiative and should be strengthened by increasing its visibility and encouraging greater interest in applications so that this initiative encourages and supports local authorities and exchanges of good practices between Mediterranean Cities.

MedCities Secretary-General, Mr. Josep Canals, as rapporteur participates in the review of:

There were two richful days in which we could contribute to interesting and needed discussions of the 25th Meeting of the MCSD Steering Committee from the UNEP- MAP Barcelona Convention.  At the end of the Meeting, MedCities was proud to say that the role of local authorities has been recognized as necessary for the good governance of the whole Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development.

MedCities is committed to leading and working to enlarge the Istanbul Award new edition by increasing its visibility and encouraging greater interest in applications to support local authorities in exchanging good practices between Mediterranean Cities.

The UNEP/MAP Coordinator introduced the proposal to include the following new MSSD flagship initiatives that will be discussed in the future:

  • – Sustainable Blue Tourism
  • – Protection and restoration of Seagrass/Posidonia Meadows as crucial ecosystems
  • – Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems – WEFE NEXUS
  • – Youth involvement in the MCSD and MSSD implementation
  • – Women leadership for Environment and Substantiable Development in the Mediterranean
  • – Mediterranean Forest Initiative
  • – Network of Zero Net Cities
  • – Mediterranean Forest Initiative
  • – Blue financing and Market needs/adaptation for Ocean Protection

More information about the UNEP / MAP

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