The MedCities team met with the External Action and International Relations team of Montpellier City Council, a member of MedCities and the current president.

The two teams took the opportunity to get to know each other and talk about the international cooperation priorities of the Montpellier city council and what would be most interesting to promote among the members of the network of Mediterranean cities. The main idea of ​​the meeting was to bring together the ongoing projects of the two entities to build synergies and explore ways of collaboration, not only for the MedCities president city but also that could be useful for the other network members.

During the meeting, which lasted a whole day, the Montpellier team invited several actors from the city who work internationally and it was really valuable for the MedCities technical team to know the possibilities of being able to count on very diverse partners for projects that are already underway, and for those that will start in the future.

Some of the representatives from Montpellier City Council teams involved in international cooperation explained the work they do in their main areas of expertise, all of them of interest to MedCities, such as mobility programs for twin cities, the international economic development of the metropolis, decentralized cooperation on mobility, decentralized water cooperation, also projects at a European scale, or national projects, pilots on innovation and migration and Africa and for instance, Montpellier City council partner that works on the field of agriculture, agri-food and the environment, and even the responsible for the sports area that is in charge of the management from the equipments on a small and large scale, among others.

It should be noted that this meeting, promoted by the Direction of External Action and International Relations of Montpellier, led by Clémentine Papa, has established the bases and left the door open to continue in this line of exchange knowledge, opportunities, and collaboration proximity between both entities.

MedCités thanks all the people involved for this willingness to find us and work for all the member cities of the network in projects that help advance the Mediterranean.

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