Sfax celebrated the Sustainable Mobility Week with a series of public events and awareness campaigns focusing on the benefits of a more active and sustainable mode of transport for all! The week took off with a presentation of the activity program and the MAIS Project to different media guests. The promotion of the topic has been more and more conveyed through the mass media, especially the radio, where a spot has promoted active modes of transport among Sfaxians throughout the week.

A group walking took place to visible the benefits but also the hazards of walking today around the city. The Sustainable Mobility Week in Sfax is an activity organised every year in the frame of the MAIS project which is led by the city council of Sfax and funded by the European Union, among other donors.

The week of celebrations and awareness ended with some streets closed to car traffic to provide space for free and safe walking and cycling, a way to visualize the positive impacts of active mobility for the city. These events are growing in participation every year and will be consolidated throughout the coming editions thanks in part to the engagement of the city’s local civil society and the city council.

In total, 40 associations were involved in the activities between Chihia and Sfax municipalities. Those helped to reach a great goal; the Old Town of Sfax was closed to car traffic all Sunday and in Chihia, 2.5 km from the main avenue was also closed to motor traffic.

MedCities, together with the city council of Chihia are partners of this project.

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