During its last General Assembly in Florence on 5-6 November 2015, the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) adopted a  Policy Position on Migration Management, counting with the presence of Christos Stylianides, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management. 

Given the pressures the migratory crisis is bringing to bear in its member Regions, the CPMR is calling for “a considerable increase of efforts and resources dedicated to the socio economic integration of migrants and a stronger participation of regions in the EU consultation and decisional process.”

The Regions are key stakeholders in this major challenge for Europe, both in terms of providing emergency response as well as in finding long-term solutions to manage migration flows and the integration of migrants and refugees at regional level. Through this declaration the CPMR therefore wish to highlight their crucial role and the need for dedicated resources to help them carry out their work more effectively.