The InCircle project (Interreg Med Programme) supports territories in their transition towards a more circular tourism economy and relaunch their tourism sector in a post-covid time. Now, the project is looking for Mediterranean destinations interested in circular tourism and in developing or adapting their sustainable tourism strategies. 

 will select six territories which will undergo a process of creation or adaptation of territorial strategies to increase circularity and sustainability of their touristic sector, including the implementation of complimentary tailor-made testing activities that help them towards this direction. 

In order to launch and promote this call, the project offered a webinar last 15th of June. During this webinar, interested territories got an idea of what process will they undergo if they become and InCircle replicating territory, which tools will they have available, which kind of support will they receive, results that they will obtain, etc. You can acces the video of the webinar through this link.

If you are a Mediterranean territory interested in creating or adapting your sustainable tourism strategies, this call is for you! Have a look at the conditions of the call here. If you have any doubt, you can also contact InCircle by using the following help desk.

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