General Assembly 2016

As agreed by the Steering Committee of MedCities held on 23rd of March in Marseille (France), the Medcities General Assembly took place on 2 December 2016 in Tetutan (Morocco).

The President of MedCities and mayor of Tetouan Mr. Mohamed Idaomar and the Vicepresident of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona Mr. Alfred Bosch, opened the General Assembly and welcomed the attendants.

Following the review of the actions carried out during  2016, the issues discussed by the members during the sesssion focused on the definition of the legal status that would allow the network to operate as an autonomous association. Thus were the statutes approved, as well as the internal rules of procedure and a new fees framework.

The proposal of the Action Plan 2017 was presented as well as the budget. The objectives approved by the members implement the MedCities’ strategy for the next ENI CBC Med calls for projects, the support to cities in the definition and implementation of their own projects and the definition of new Urban Development Strategies in the Mediterranean, specifically in Tunisia.

The members also discussed on the need of supporting Lybian cities in their process of local development, and about the work to be done related to the Syrian refugee crisis. 

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