KAS seminar. Local voices towards permanent dialogue in the Mediterranean: ‘Local authorities acting for agrifood and energy resilience’


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The event “Local authorities acting for agrifood and energy resilience” aims at discussing the current challenges faced by Mediterranean municipalities due to the energy and food crisis at international level, aggravated by the war in Ukraine and the inflation. City dwellers consume 60% of all food supply while the 60% of the world’s irrigated cropland is within 20km radius form cities1. Thus, it is crucial to target urban rural linkages in order to face increase energy and food sovereignity by tackling the nutritional, economic and environmental challenges around food production, especially in a context of climate change pressures, urbanisation and social inequalities, such as in the Mediterranean. Sustainable food systems can benefit the fulfilment of many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including: eradicating hunger (SDG2), ensuring good health and well-being (SDG4), access to clean water for all (SDG6) and building sustainable communities (SDG11).

Objectives of the event

  • Connect the participating local authorities and promote an active exchange of experiences on enhancing urban resilience, concerning energy, water and food sectors.
  • Create spaces of exchange between Mediterranean municipalities and international institutions and funders active in agrifood, energy and water issues.
  • Familiarise the participating local authorities with donors’ opportunities for funding food, energy and water related projects and vice-versa.
  • Enhance municipal capacities for planning comprehensive strategies on food, energy and water resilience and governance

Date and place
Tunis, 5 and 6 December 2022


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