BUSINESSMED-Med4Waste Round Table “The private sector as a key partner in waste management: opportunities and challenges”


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In this context, the Med4Waste project funded by ENI CBC MED aims at facilitating new governance models for integrated and effective urban waste management policies in the Mediterranean region. Therefore, policy makers will find a platform to promote better governance in sustainable resource use and waste management, moving towards more sustainable consumption and production patterns at the Mediterranean level, while developing joint and common policy responses.

The event will take place in Tunis at the Laico Hotel, on the 2nd of May starting at 2pm and will include a round table discussion with several speakers, experts and specialists from civil society, local authorities, the private sector and the public sector.

It will aim at facilitating the exchange of information and knowledge between the different actors involved in waste management in the Mediterranean region, in order to promote an increased and effective participation of the private sector in waste management.

Date and place
Tunis, 02 May 2023

More information and agenda


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