On June 3, 2022, the partners and donors of the MAIS project met in Sfax to celebrate the launch of this project which aims to strengthen active and intelligent mobility in Sfax. More than 60 people were present at this conference, which was inaugurated by the Mayor of Sfax, Mr Elloumi, the Mayor of Chihia, Mr Tmar and the Secretary General of MedCities, Mr Canals. Other key project partners actively participated, including the Delegation of the European Union in Tunisia and the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation.

The MAIS project aims to promote the transition of the agglomeration of Sfax towards a green and resilient urban development in the face of climate change, through sustainable urban mobility and by contributing to national commitments in terms of energy savings and promotion of renewable energies and international commitments (Agenda SDG 2030).

This is a project led by the municipality of Sfax, which is supported by its partners, MedCities and the Municipality of Chihia. The 4-year, 2.5 M€ project is funded by the European Union, with the participation of the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation, GIZ, CPSCL and the Taparura Project.

The communication tools created for the project were present there and several Tunisian media followed the loan event and relayed the news.

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