The end of October was marked by an important milestone of the project, the validation of the strategic document of the non-conventional water resources (NCWR) Plan. Based on the results of the consultation workshop celebrated in July, the We&B consultants prepared the first draft, which identified several objectives and priority axes. An online meeting was organized with water stakeholders to present the proposal and collect their inputs, and the document was finally validated. The stakeholders are currently working on the definition of an action plan, to be finalized by the end of the year.

Regarding the capacity building component, on September 27, 28 and 29, a delegation from Gabès, made up of 4 representatives of 3 public authorities and members of the project steering committee, participated in the first ValEUr Gabès technical exchange meeting organized in the metropolitan area of Barcelona by the leader of the consortium (AMB). Through the analysis and the municipal implemented solutions sites visit in Barcelona, el Prat, Sant Cugat, Badalona, Santa Coloma and Ripollet, the mission sought to reinforce the technical knowledge of non-conventional municipal water management decision-making. Among the planned activities, they could discover urban sustainable drainage systems in public spaces and green areas, learn about municipal laws to improve the reuse of grey water in public and private buildings and visit facilities for wastewater reuse.

These are some images from the first technical exchange visit organized by the project, while a second one will take place at the beginning of 2023, with the cooperation of INSA Lyon.

Likewise, on October 24 and 25,  a field visit took place by the project’s funder, the EU delegation in Tunisia. They had the opportunity to meet first-hand the members of the project consortium AMB, MedCities and Gabès Municipality, including the Mayor, as well as relevant members of the steering committee such as members of the CRDA, SONEDE and Gabès governorate. The agenda also included the project progress presentation and the visit to the rainwater infiltration pilot sites.

ValEUr Gabès is a project funded by the Tunisian delegation of the European Union. As the project seeks to reinforce Tunisian municipalities on water management in the context of the climate crisis, it strongly focuses on the contribution of SGD 6, Ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. 

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