The webinar “CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION THROUGH SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY PLANS (SUMPS)” took place the 15 september and gathered over 200 participants, including the works department representative of the city of Sfax, Tunisia.

The webinar was  organised in cooperation with the European Commission and targeted to transport planning practitioners and decision makers at local and governmental level throughout Europe. Case studies and discussions addressed the integration of Climate Change mitigation objectives into the process, measures and monitoring of a city’s SUMP. Urban Mobility is at the core of the fight against climate change as it causes substantial Green House Gas (GHG) emission and therefore makes it essential for a city’s key mobility planning tool, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, to consider climate-related indicators and adaptation measures.

The participation of the City of Sfax, through Ms Imen Karoui, Member of the Municipal Council, contributed to enlarge the scope of the analysis and was positively received by the audience on the measures and projects the city is delivering in regards to the adaptation of the city’s mobility planning to monitor its contribution to the fight against climate change. 

The JASPERS Networking Platform was established in late 2012 to complement JASPERS project advisory operations, by addressing specific project preparation issues of horizontal nature, enhancing knowledge sharing activities, dissemination of best practices and exchange of experiences among JASPERS Stakeholders, as well as implementing capacity building activities.

A report of the webinar will be soon available on its webpage.

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