MedCities organised two on-line trainings on the integrated regeneration of Old Towns, adressing tunisian municipalities in the framework of the National Programme for the Regeneration of Old Towns.

Launched by the Tunisian Ministry of Equipment, Habitat and Infrastructure, with the support of the French Development Agency and the European Investment Bank, the European Union and the Union for the Mediterranean, throught the Urban Projects Finance Activity,  the programme has recently announced a call for financing intergrated interventions in Old Towns. MedCities has prepared a series of online activities to reinforce the capacities of tunisian municipalities in the definition of their integrated interventions.

The first two trainings were developed by RehabiMED experts, M. Xavier Casanovas and Oriol Cusidó, with the objective to present the essential concepts with regards to integrated renovation interventions, taking into consideration the multiple challenges that concern the Old Towns in the Mediterranean region, as well as those that the municipalities face in the establishment of integrated processes of urban regeneration. The trainings focused on presenting both theoretical and practical aspects that take into account the function of centrality in the urban fabric, the socio-economic revitalization, the preservation of the built heritage, the governance framework and the participation of actors and citizens. Furthermore, a review of the process that should be undertaken by the municipalities in order to define the long term vision, the perimeter of intervention, the governance structure and the actions to be implemented. The training focused on the different phases in a process of urban regeneration of Old Towns: the strategic orientations, the diagnosis, the definition of a strategy and of an action plan and the evaluation of the interventions.

With the presence of more than 60 participants in the first session and 45 participants in the second session, the trainings are available on MedCities Youtube channel: click here for session 1, and here for session 2, so they can be further consulted. MedCities support will be concluded with a methodological training, organised from 1st to 10th February 2021 in 5 sessions, targeting small groups of municipalities, in order to provide them with methods and concrete tools for the definition of their strategic interventions and the mobilisation of partnerships for their implementation and financement. 

The sessions took place on Monday 25th and Wednesday 27th January.