MedCities’ Climate Urban Capacity programme (MedCUC) develops new services to support its member cities in the preparation and funding of their climate projects: a tailored assessment programme (including training), financers to cities matchmaking sessions, and thematic peer-to-peer exchanges on project preparation.
Challenges addressed
The Mediterranean area is one of the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change: with a warming rate 20% faster than the global average, the demand for water in the region should double or even triple by 2050 and extreme climatic phenomena such as flooding, storms, fires, heat waves or erosion, are expected to become more and more frequent and intense. Faced with this increasing pressure on already severely strained ecosystems as well as on local economies, Mediterranean territories must prepare themselves to be able to prevent, mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.
Municipalities and local governments are on the front line in managing both the short- and long-term consequences of this adverse context, but they are confronted with many challenges. When it comes to it many do not possess any sectoral or strategic plans to address these issues in an integrated manner, and when they do, they often lack the capacity, skills, technical competencies and knowledge to define, prepare and implement their projects. This is exacerbated by the absence of inter-departmental coordination and dedicated structures and the lack of political will to target climate change as a priority issue. Local governments are also usually unaware of or unable to access financing opportunities to fund their projects.
The city’s network associations can play an essential role in informing, equipping, and training local governments in the development of climate change adaptation strategies, as well as in the design and implementation of concrete measures that are essential to make the transition and adaptation operational. This is what MedCUC is about: it aims to leverage the capacity of MedCities in the Mediterranean area to offer its members needs-oriented and sustainable support to prepare climate-resilient and low-carbon urban projects.
Opportunities for MedCities member cities:
Through its 18-month programme MedCUC, MedCities wants to develop a new service portfolio for its members. Thanks to this portfolio, MedCities will:
1 . Enable local governments and cities to share lessons learnt and replicate successful models for climate action thanks to eight thematic peer-to-peer exchange sessions organised within the framework of MedCities working groups targeting waste, green and resilient cities, coastal cities, and mobility;
2 . Offer city project promoters information and capacity development measures on early-stage project preparation by developing a project preparation pack, including tips and practical recommendations, and available online, and launch the MedCUC Assessment Programme, offering individual training and technical support tailored to the needs of a few cities selected through a Call for Applicants;
3 . Act as a go-between for financiers to make financing opportunities known to cities thanks to a mapping of financial opportunities, including strategic intelligence to identify and disseminate specific calls, and two “Financers to cities” matchmaking sessions.
MedCUC will be implemented by the General Secretariat and two regional antennas or Knowledge Transfer Centres (KTC): KTC-MENA (Middle East) and KTC-Maghreb (North Africa).
Target audience
MedCUC targets municipalities and local governments of the Mediterranean from countries covering 3 geographical zones: the Middle East (Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine), North Africa (Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria) and Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Türkiye).
SDGs aligned
MedCUC contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
11 – Sustainable cities and communities, and 13 – Climate action.
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