The Mission 4 Nature (Interreg Euro MED Programme)partners met in Barcelona for the first time with the aim of the two governance project partners to meet: Dialogue4Nature and Community4Nature (Thematic community and Institutional dialogue projects, respectively) could discuss the joint work plan, ongoing and future activities, and potential challenges. More importantly, both projects used the opportunity to meet in person as they will be collaborating for the next 7 years!
The first day was dedicated to the approval of the joint work plan and the division of the tasks per each Working Package (Reuse, Transfer and Coordination). The Communication aspects were considered throughout the whole meeting.
During the second day with the preparations for the Interreg Euro-MED event that will take place in Slovenia on 21st and 22nd of November. Some interesting idees arrised as the organisation of a side event (stay tuned for more details). The day ended with each governance project´s Steering Committee meeting.
On the last day the focus was focus on the engagement of the associated partners so they participated in a hybrid event in which the MIssion4Nature presented the main objectives, the expected roles, and the level of engagement of Associated Partners.
Field visit to Maresme County:
Participants headed to the Maresme County where one of the Associated Partners, Consell Comarcal del Maresme informed about METACC project developing the strategic lines for climate change mitigation and adaptation among its 30 Municipalities. The visit to Mataró coastal area serves to witness the impacts of coastal erosion and discuss the necessity for effective policies aiming to slow down or prevent the problem. The current configuration of the coastline of the region is determined by the presence of structures that hinder or prevent the passage of the longitudinal transport of sand. A significant element of the Maresme coast are the ports. Five ports can be identified, with different characteristics and uses, all of them concentrated in the southern part of the county. These barriers, added to the decrease in the contributions of sediments from La Tordera and the streams of the Maresme, have generated a negative global sedimentary balance that has resulted in an erosive trend in many sections of the coast. The adaptation plan includes measures to increase coastal resilience through naturalisation and to recover sediments from the river and streams.
During the event, a campaign about coastal erosion was launched as part of the “Solve the challenge” days. To join the campaign witnessing coastal erosion signs across the Mediterranean, you just need to take a photo and tag it in the different social media accounts from the Mission: @gov4nature on Instagram and in Facebook, where you can get more details on the campaign.
As a local D4N partner, MedCities co-organized the, together with the CREAF, C4N partner, event from the 7th to the 9th of June.
You can learn more about the project here.
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod