Representatives of Tetuan, Marseille, Dubrovnik, Izmir and Larnaka met in Marseille, France, on the last 23rd of March, for the MedCities Steering Committee. The meeting was held after a MedSeaties capitalitzation workshop, where MedCities participated as associate partner
The meeting was introduced by Mohamed Idaomar, MedCities President and Mayor of Tetuan, Xavier Tiana, MedCities Secretary General, and Jean Roatta, Deputy Mayor of Marseille.
The objectives of the first MedCities Steering Committee of 2016 were mainly to do a follow-up of the work done by the General Secretariat since the last General Assembly, and to validate the strategic lines related to financing, enlargement and the role of MedCities with regards to the ENI Med Sea Basin programme.
The Steering Committee members discussed on the new strategies and expressed their doubts and ideas on the proposals presented by the General Secretariat. The main objective of the new General Secretariat strategy is to involve all the members on the future activities and proposal of projects within the network.
The last point of the Meeting was the presentation of the proposal for the next MedCities General Assembly that will take place in Tetuan, the 1st and 2nd of December. Mohamed Idaomar, presented the proposal of celebrating a seminar on city management and the implementation of strategic projects.
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod