Marine litter & pollution: Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas managers meet in Slovenia to talk about solutions. “MPAs facing pollution in the Mediterranean: thinking beyond boundaries”, the 2017 Forum of the Mediterranean Protected Areas Network (MedPAN) gathered last autumn in Izola

The event was attended by close to 120 players of the Mediterranean marine environment (17 countries represented), mainly MPA managers. This 4-day event was held together with the mid-term conference of the ACT4LITTER project (Interreg MED Programme) that aims to facilitate efforts for tackling marine litter in Mediterranean MPAs through the development of effective and targeted measures. MedCities took part representing the Interreg MED Biodiversity Protection Community (PANACeA Project) and fostering connections among urban and nature protection networks.

Because the pollution that affects coastal and marine areas has no boundaries, the challenge for MPAs and relevant stakeholders lies in the implementation of integrated management at spatial (land-sea), sectoral and governance levels of the territories. In addition to technical exchanges on management measures, the workshop was an opportunity for MPA managers to capitalise on and share their field experience in local integrated management mechanisms related to pollution.

More info HERE