On February 24th the 5th Plenary Session of ARLEM (Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly) took place in Tanger (Morocco).
During the meeting, the different rapporteurs presented the reports they have elaborated during the last years which were approved by ARLEM members. It was also the occasion to approve the working topics for the year 2014 of the two commissions that compose ARLEM, the ECOTER Commission for Economic, Social and Territorial Affairs and the SUDEV Commission for Sustainable Development.
During the afternoon session, the Secretary General of Medcities, Mr. Joan Parpal, delivered a presentation on behalf Mr. Mohamed Idaomar, maire de Tetouan and President of Medcities, about perspectives for a capacity-building project on urban development in the Mediterranean that ARLEM is promoting together with the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean.
ARLEM brings together 84 local and regional representatives from the EU and the Mediterranean partners, and ensures the participation of regional and local authorities in the Euro-Mediterranean political debate.
The next plenary session will take place in Istanbul (Turkey), early 2015.
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod