Last October 24th MedCities participated in a new meeting of the Centre for Mediterranean Integration Urban Hub. 

Representatives from the European Investment Bank (EIB), the Caisse de Depots et Consignations (CDC), the World Bank (WB), the French Agency for Development (AFD) the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and Cities Alliance (CCAA) met at the CMI premises to better coordinate their programs on the urban development field in the Mediterranean.

The Urban Hub is a privileged forum in which the main actors on urban development in the region strengthen cooperation and look for synergies in order to avoid duplicities and identify complementarities of their actions. MedCities presented the main outcomes of the USUDS project and advocated for cooperation in order to foster the implementation of the Action Plans of the City Development Strategies of its members. The meeting was also an opportunity to coordinate with GIZ on the implementation of joint actions in Morocco and Tunisia for the year 2015.