The aim of the mission was to reinfoce the activities with existing members of Italy, Balkans and Adriatic region, in the frame of MedCities Action Plan for 2017.

This year MedCities has made an important effort to reinforce the relationship with its European member cities and to consolidate its position in the Adriatic region.

In September, another mission was organised in Rome, Ancona and Tirana, three important member cities with a key position in order to further develop the role of the association in the Adriatic region and Ionian Cities (FAIC) in order to present ongoing activities and strategies and individuate ways of collaboration and synergies. The mission was also a chance to meet representatives of the city of Durres (Albania) which has applied to become a full member of MedCities after this General Assembly.

In the Roma meeting, the General Secretariat of MedCities, represented by Mr. Xavier Tiana, Secretary General, and Mr. Oriol Barba, Director, had the opportunity to argue with the Deputy Head of Cabinet of the Mayor and Director of International Relations Direction, Ms Gabriella Acerbi, about futher potential activities within the european cities of the Network.

In Tirana, MedCities representatives had the chance Mayor Mr. Erion Veliaj, and to disscuss about urban challengies of Tirana and potential collaboration among MedCities Memeber in the frame of the next year activities.

The meeting in Ancona was attended by: Mr. Pierpaolo Sediari, Deputy Mayor of Ancona Municipality; Mrs. Ida Simonella and Mr. Francesco Buoncompagni, in representation of Ancona City Council. It was an occassion to disscuss on how to activate the EU MedCities’ members and how to design next year’s actions.

Previously, in July, representatives from the Secretariat, in collaboration with the KTC of Al Fayhaa, visited Larnaka and Limassol, in order to explore and reinforce the existing paths of cooperation. Both cities reaffrmed their commitment and their willingness to contribute to the activities of the network. 

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