On the 19th January, the partners of Med4Waste project met online with 5 projects funded by ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Bassin programme in a first presentation and exchange meeting. The five projects involved are:
-REUSEMED, Mediterranean Basin Reuses
-DECOST, Decentralised Composting in Small Towns
-CLIMA, Cleaning Innovative Mediterranean Action
-MED-InA, A Mediterranean Integrated Alliance on Waste for cities and citizens
-CEOMED, Employing circular economy approach for OFMSW management
The meeting started by a presentation of Med4Waste strategic project, by the lead partner, BETA Technological Centre of the University of Vic. Med4Waste aims to facilitate new governance models for integrated and efficient urban waste management policies across the Mediterranean by analysing, disseminating and transferring the results of previous or ongoing projects. The partners involved in Clustering, Awareness Raising and Networkingwork package (ESDU-AUB and COSPE) presented the several tools that will be put in place by Med4Waste with an active participation of the 5 projects, such as:
-Waste management case studies catalogue
-Several project events
-Joint awareness campaign(s)
-Contribution to MOOC for the Capacity Building programme
-Integrated Municipal Waste Management Plans
-MED4Waste Business Platform
-MED4Waste Policy Toolkit
Each of the 5 projects representatives presented the objectives, activities and already achieved or expected results of their project, which helped all participants to have a common understanding and to identify possible synergies. They also expressed their interest to collaborate in the first activity of the project, the case studies and good practices catalogue.
MedCities is a partner to the project, responsible for transferring and capitalising interesting results to local authorities in the Mediterranean by putting in place a Mentoring Voucher Scheme.
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
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