May has been an excellent month for implementing the LASERMed24 project involving Zarqa and Agadir municipalities.

At the beginning of the month, we started working with a thematic expert on local green economic promotion to prepare the physical and online activities of our LASERMED Community that will include the previous phase cities: Zgharta-Ehden (Lebanon), Oujda (Morocco), Sousse (Tunisia) and As Salt (Jordan).

In parallel and hand in hand with the Barcelona Provincial Council (Diputació de Barcelona) and three other municipalities, we have built the agenda for a field visit on a concrete project on green economic promotion for vulnerable people. In this line, our LASERMED Community will be visiting the women’s holistic municipal service (La CIBA) of Santa Coloma de Gramenet, two circular economy projects led by the municipality of Gavà, and the local economic service plus two projects combining recycling and economic insertion for people with disabilities in El Prat del Llobregat.  

Finally, we officially launched both pilot projects. On the one hand, in Zarqa, we started identifying the training program participants and the training and mentoring needs. On the other hand, the Agadir municipality president and Social Affairs vice-president received our MedCities officer, who traveled to Agadir to introduce the pilot action in front of ten key institutional actors on employability and economic promotion as well as in front of more than eighty women willing to participate in the training and mentoring program in Agadir.  

The next community meetings will be on June 4th online and in Barcelona from 11th to 13th June, and we are excited to start sharing experiences and building our network.

Read here the news item published in the newspaper Sabaha Agadir

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