During the month of May, the InCircle Catalan replicating territories have been very active in the InCircle project, working on the final steps that will lead the project to its end.

The Berguedà county and Delta de l’Ebre Natural Park celebrated, at the beginning of the month, the last one of the four participatory sessions that were held with the actors of their touristic sector. These participatory sessions were crucial to defining the actions that will be included in the circular tourism strategy of the county, all of which are related to at least one of the four InCircle project pillars: Water, waste management, energy efficiency, and mobility.

The participants of the working groups of Berguedà county also helped to define the objectives of an activity that will be implemented during the month of June, and which is focused on waste prevention. As we will further explain in our next newsletter, the activity will aim at reducing the residue associated with picnic activities of the visitors coming to enjoy the numerous trekking routes the county offers.

Public during InCircle pilots presentation (Berguedà and Delta de l’Ebre)

In the case of Delta de l’Ebre, the territory has exploited under the framework of the project the long-experience on active mobility. On the last 13th of May, the Natural Park organized a workshop about cyclotourism and sustainable mobility. The workshop gathered a lot of actors from different towns in the area, all of which agreed on the need of working together to create and link more bike-friendly routes. At the end of this event, the Natural Park of Delta de l’Ebre announced the InCircle Challenge, which encourages business, citizens and public authorities to submit their ideas of good practices in the “EnCicla’t contest”.

InCircle pilots (Delta de l’Ebre and Berguedà) welcoming

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