Green infrastructure is an ally to mitigate the effects of climate change in our cities. The planning, design and management should be as efficient as possible in terms of human and water resources, and the naturalization of spaces, using autochthonous and climate-resilient species, and creating pleasant environments for its citizens.

MedCities and Barcelona City Council received the member cities of Jerash, Saida and Tunis, who during a 2-day visit shared experiences with different city council departments in relation to green infrastructure, water and city management.

The director of technical services of the Institute of Parks and Gardens of Barcelona shared the “Nature Plan 21-23”, focusing on the role of citizens participation during the development of the plan and the criteria followed during its development: biodiversity, naturalization, low water consumption, etc.

The initiatives of Barcelona city council in order to promote the presence of green was also shared by the Urban projects department, showing some tools applicable by the municipality in order to promote new and enhance green spaces in collaboration with private actors.

The gender and time policies directorate presented the inclusion of the gender perspective in urban green spaces: Participants could see an example of a park designed to facilitate the daily life of families and kids, promote climate shelters for the warmest months of the year, and create safe spaces by reducing low-visible corners and increasing pedestrian presence.

BCASA (Barcelona Water Cycle) presented their work on water management, flood prevention and the preparation towards drought prevention initiated on the last decade. They also presented the governance and evolution of the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) commission. The three delegations also visited some SUDs, which collect rainwater in order to avoid flooding during heavy rain events and facilitate the establishment of herbaceous, shrubs and trees at the same time.

The 2-day visit contributed to the exchange of views and methods to face the common challenge of climate change, drought, floods, and heat waves hitting all the Mediterranean countries. However, the presence of the member cities of Gaza and Bethlehem, who could not attend the visit due to the situation in their countries, would have surely enhanced and enriched the exchange.

The delegations that came to Barcelona:

Tunis: Mr Slimane El Golli, ASIMA Tunis Project

Jerash: Mr Wafa Hawamdeh, Head of Local Development Office and MedCities focal point and Mr Ahmad Elsebli, Mayor

Saida: Mr. Mustafa Hijazi, MedCities focal point and Council Member and Ms Wafaa Sheaib, Saída Municipality

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