The Municipality of Sfax, with the support of CoMun Program, the german cooperation (GIZ) and MedCities, is implementing a project on waste management in the Medina in order to improve the environmental quality and quality of life of residents and visitors to the Medina of Sfax.
The Greater Sfax Development Strategy 2016, has given special significance to the upgrading of the medina for the promotion of cultural tourism in the city of Sfax. The standards of cleanliness of the medina are still not satisfactory, despite the efforts done by the city of Sfax.
The Municipal Plan for Waste Management of the Municipality of Sfax, developed in collaboration with the german cooperation (GIZ), foresaw the study and the implementation of infrastructures for managing waste and promoting recycling and waste recovery, reducing the volume to be buried
The proposal of the Municipality of Sfax is to entrust this work to a technical assistance from an external expert, to develop a shared diagnosis and an action plan in relation to the implementation of the project in terms of technical, institutional and financial repair, and its sustainability. This technical assistance is based on a participatory approach and on the mobilization of local actors involved in the Medina of Sfax.
Also, it is implementing an experimental project with the craft sector on the awareness and implementation of a system of selection and recylcing of waste produced by the workshops in the Medina of Sfax.
Improving environmental quality and quality of life of residents and visitors to the Medina of Sfax.
More information on MedCities website: «Technical assistance for improving waste management in the Medina of Sfax»
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
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