Sfax has been the center of the ENI CBC MED ENSERE‘s project. Firstly, they welcomed a MedCities’ technical visit aiming to visit the three subgrants’ sites and culminating with the launch of the mentoring process. Later, our partner and MedCities member – the Municipality of Sfax – co-organised the ENSERES Steering Committee and a subgrants’ event exchange.

From June 6th to the 8th, a MedCities technician could meet the subgrant’s awarded organisations Sfax Elmezyena, KANTARA Save Earth and ORES ( Regional Ecological Observatory of the city of Sfax), to review the justification documents for the final report and discuss the remaining activities. Technical meetings were followed by field visits. On the 6th, MedCities staff visited the SAVE THEANAE facilities on Thyna wetlands, such as Kid’s playground, bicycle parking, and the new solar-powered lights. On the 7th, MedCities staff moved to Kerkennah and visited a waste recycled exposition, a bin-equipped beach and the rearranged Bou Ali Port. Finally, the 8th was reserved for visiting the Fishing port of Sfax, which is the implementation place for both the ORES subgrant and the mentoring process. MedCities technical mission finished participating in the official mentoring launch on Marine litter monitoring and prevention measures with the Municipality of Sfax, in which they could present its methodology and objectives in front of 39 personalities from relevant stakeholders in the Port of Sfax and the civil society. 

In conclusion to the month’s activities, on June 20th, all the ENSERES partners met in Sfax for the project’s steering committee meeting (SCM), where we could focus on pending transfer activities and the organisation of capitalisation events in Autumn. This meeting was followed by the 21st and 22nd Subgrantees Exchange Workshop led by ENSERES partners SPA/RAC and the Municipality of Sfax, in which subgrantees from Tunisia and Lebanon could share their experiences in the field of sustainable development on natural areas surrounding cities and Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMIs).

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