Tetuan PCD update



Tetuan PCD update



Project overview


AERYC (America-Europe Association of Regions and Cities)



Commune Urbaine de Tétouan DGCL – Maroc (Direction Générale des Collectivités Locales) du PNUD, Maroc

Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona

Programme ARTGOLD



EU funds. Interreg-Med

The update of the Tetouan PCD (Plan Communal de Développement) is a project coordinated by AERYC (America-Europe Association of Regions and Cities), with technical assistance offered by the team of  Medcities General Secretariat, and the participation of Urban Quality Strategies (EQU) .

The project is focused on the evaluation and reprogramming of the strategic plan, and the presentation of the Action Plan for the period 2011-2016.  This project complements another initiative from Fundación CIEDES about the follow-up and the update of the Tetouan Strategic Plan. Technical assistance will be based on training and consultation from the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona (AMB) and ECU to a local team of the City of Tetouan, and support, assistance and coordination of AERYC. This can be summarized in the following steps and actions:

  • Identify and select the local team that will work with the city of Tetouan to evaluate the Plan.
  • Overall assessment of the previous PCD (analysis and diagnosis)
  • Participatory process of reflection on the new Plan.
  • The development of the new Plan of Action
  • Training and exchange of experiences in Barcelona:
  • Specification of strategic business plans in the areas of waste, water cycle, energy and mobility and boost three specific projects. Part of the requested budget will fund three studio project development that the city of Tetouan will subcontract.
  • Integration and use of Tetouan PCD in the technological platform 2.0 Cat-Med Network Cities in the Strategic Plan of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona / Medcities, recently created by the Programme ENPI Project USUDS.

During the execution of the project, some events, seminars and workshops are being realized in order to present the results, exchange experiences and improve the work done by the technical staff of Tetuan.

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