More than 300 people representing around 30 Catalan organisations from different fields were present in the formal signature of the Catalonia 2030 Alliance. MedCities was among the civil society representatives in order to support the initiative and to show the committmend to working to comply with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Our association was present in the formal signature of the first 33 core organisations which comply this important national agreement driven by the Government of Catalonia. The Catalonia 2030 Alliance is a roadmap to achieve a better world by 2030, since this Agenda has to help to create the necessary conditions for sustainable and inclusive economic growth, shared prosperity and a decent occupation for everyone.

The document is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals that MedCities is already following in its projects and activities. The MedCities Secretary General, Josep Canals, highlight that: “Our association is in itself the SDG 17 as it is acting as a network of cities which collaborate whithin them“.

The Alliance 2030 wants now to add complicity and new accessions throughout the country in the coming months and MedCities will work to adhere itself to the large list of associations that already signed this common roadmap. The catalan alliance to work for the SDGs is a dynamic alliance of people and organizations, with the strength to act by doing realistic, specific and local actions.

The first signatory organizations are:

Ajuntament de Barcelona; Associació Catalana d’Universitats Públiques (ACUP); Associació Catalana de Municipis (ACM); Associació per a les Nacions Unides a Espanya (ANUE); Associació; Cercle d’Economia; CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs); Comissions Obreres de Catalunya (CCOO Catalunya); Consell Assessor per al Desenvolupament Sostenible; Consell Català de Cooperació al Desenvolupament; Consell de la Gent Gran; Consell General de Cambres de Catalunya; Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya (CIC); Consell Nacional de les Dones de Catalunya (CNDC); Consell Nacional dels Infants i els Adolescents de Catalunya; Consell Nacional LGBTI; Consorci de Salut i Social de Catalunya; Creu Roja Catalunya; Dipsalut (Organisme de Salut Pública de la Diputació de Girona); Diputació de Barcelona; Diputació de Girona; Federació de Municipis de Catalunya; Foment del Treball Nacional; Fundesplai; Institut Català Internacional per la Pau; ISGlobal; PIMEC; SciTech DiploHub; Taula d’entitats del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya; UGT de Catalunya; UNICEF Comitè Catalunya; Xarxa per a la Conservació de la Natura, and Xarxa Regional Grups d’Acció Local LEADER de Catalunya.