Two MedCities members, Barcelona and Tanger, met to share experiences and good practices about strategic matters for both Mediterranean cities.

Mayor Jaume Collboni, from Barcelona, and Mayor Mounir Laymouri had the time to talk about common challenges, the majority linked to the climate crisis and social cohesion matters that Mediterranean local authorities need to face. “We share a neighborhood with the city of Tangier and the desire to make our cities spaces of economic and sustainable progress”, said Mr. Collboni.

Both cities are keys in the Mediterranean and share important challenges such as the management of commercial, and touristic and recreative ports and marinas. About this topic, MedCities celebrated in Tanger a working group meeting between members and public and private entities focused on the Port-City relations that were a starting point to better understand the management and the common challenges that local authorities and ports have ahead.

Other experiences and good practices about culture, the development of digital talent, and sustainable mobility plans were also shared during the meeting.

The Commissioner for Citizen Relations and Cultural and Religious Diversity, Ms. Sara Belbeida also attended the meeting. The Commissioner was also one of the participants at the MedCities General Assembly and annual seminar held in Sarajevo on 23rd November to represent the Barcelona City Council.

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