Barcelona 2004

The MedCities General Assembly 2004 was held from September 15th to17th in Barcelona. 

The first day, a presentation of the seminar on solids wastes, cities developpement and new members was carried out. In the evening, the Medcities activities repport was presented to the assembly. The election of the new President, Bureau and General Secretary was made. An account of a new point of view on international cooperation in the Mediterranean and an open dialogue on future activities to be carried out.

The following Medcities towns were represented: Alexandria (Egypt) Barcelona (Spain) Dubrovnik (Croatia) El Minah (Lebanon) Larnaca (Cyprus) Limassol (Cyprus) Marseille (France) Roma (Italy) Sfax (Tunis) Silifke (Turkey) Sousse (Tunis) Tanger (Morocco) Tirana (Albania) Tripoli (Lebanon) El Mina (Lebanon) and the Metropolitan Entity of Environment of Barcelona.

Also the following international institutions: Center Development Arab Region (CEDARE) Egypt, European Commission, DG EuropAid (EC), International Council of Local Authorities (ICLEI), Mediterranean Technical Assistance Program (METAP), Mediterranean Comission for Sustainable Development (MCSD), Priority Action Program/Regional Action Center (PAP/RAC), Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) Croatia, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Blue Plan/RAC (France), World Bank (WB)

And Catalan Institutions and consultants: Catalan Mnistry of Environment (Generalitat de Catalunya), Catalan Institute of Energy (Generalitat de Catalunya), Consulting Formaplan S.L.

The mayor of Rome, Mister Walter Veltroni, was reelected as the President of Medcities.

Bureau: During this Assembly, the city of Tetuan joined the Bureau. Its composition remained as follows: Alexandria, Barcelona, Limassol, Marsella, Roma, Sousse, Tanger and Tripoli.

The Ajuntament de Barcelona and the Entitat Metropolitana de Medi Ambient as the General Secretariat of Medcities. Mr. Joan Parpal was reelected as its General Secretary.

The General Secretary issues an appeal to every member of Medcities no not delay the payment of the membership fees. Moreover, the General Assembly agreed to increase this fee until 1000$ per year. The fee collection will be done by the General Secretariat.

Tripoli offered itself to host the next Medcities General Assembly for 2007 and its proposal was acepted.

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