The Center of Mediterranean Integration (CMI) and the Agence française de développement (AFD) launched in fall 2019 an initiative towards « Enabling Mediterranean Cities to Climate Action – MedCCA », in partnership with AViTEM, MedCities, and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and in coordination with EU supported regional initiative Clima-Med. The overall aim of this intervention is to increase city-level institutional capacity to manage urban climate change risks and develop sustainable climate action plans.

In August 2020 a first questionnaire was launched towards 100 Mediterranean cities from 7 different countries, among which 20 MedCities members. Last October 1st MedCities, as partner of the MedCCA initiative, participated in the first working session aimed to present the results of the first data collection process. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire and a discussion among the partners of the activity, 7 cities, one per country, were selected as beneficiaries of the initiative and were targeted for the second phase of data collection, through a detailed questionnaire on climate change actions. The MedCities members of Saida (Lebanon), Zarqa (Jordania) and Sfax (Tunisia) were selected among the beneficiaries in the second phase.

Following the data collection, an online meeting will be held in December 2020, in order to validate the findings and the conclusions that relate to the climate impacts and municipal ambitions in an in-person workshop, that will also focus on developing a spatial climate adaptation vision by mapping all climate action projects (current, planned, and proposed). The online meetings will also be an introduction to the next step, a regional face to face workshop that will take place in spring 2021. The aim of this workshop is to identify potential projects and plan for climate action. The workshop will also support joint actions, networking and linking similar regional initiatives/networks. This is fundamental to increase the effectiveness of actions and scale-up on the best practices from local levels to a regional and global perspective.