MedCities, together with other Mediterranean stakeholders, participated in the 9th World Urban Forum, that took place on 13-19 February in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), under the title « Cities 2030 – Cities for All: Implementing the New Urban Agenda », organised by UN-HABITAT.

The 9WUF focused on analyzing global developments in the roll-out of the New Urban Agenda adopted in Quito in 2016 which aims to be the roadmap for sustainable development of cities over the coming decades. The debates were also a good occasion to see how progress is being made in different regions of the world in the processes of localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the implementation of the new urban agenda.

Different members of MedCities participated actively in this event: the Mayors of Tripoli (Lebanon), Dannieh (Lebanon) and Chefchaouen (Marroc) together with representatives of Zarqa Municipality (Jordan) and the MedCities General Secretary.

In the framework of the Networking Event: « Towards implementing the New Urban Agenda in the Euro-Mediterranean Region », organized by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), MedCties showed the interest of the Mediterranean local government to be taken into consideration in the process of implementation of the Urban Agenda for the Mediterranean.

Also, the Mayor of Tripoli participated in a seminar on the situation of Syrian refugees organized by UN Habitat; while the President of Dannieh and the representation from Zarqa Municipality contributed in a seminar organized by the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) on the situation of Syrian refugees in Mediterranean host countries. The Mayor of Chefchaouen acted as a speaker in a seminar on intermediate cities and also in a seminar on the implementation of the SDGs at local level.

The World Urban Forum (WUF) is a non-legislative technical forum, convened by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) since 2002. It is the most important global meeting in the field of sustainable urban development and human settlements. The Kuala Lumpur Forum contributed to global advocacy for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as to deploy the New Urban Agenda, adopted at the UN Habitat III conference. The New Urban Agenda establishes a common vision and global standards for urban development in the coming decades.