The closing ceremony of the project « Vous en dire long sur la Médina de Tunis » took place in July 1st with a presentation of the results of the project, which has been supported by the Provincial Council of Barcelona with the mediation of MedCities network.
The project began in the summer of 2017 with the aim of preserving and enhancing the architectural, urban and cultural heritage of the historical centre of Tunis, with the active participation of civil society and the involvement of the local population.
The Association for the Safeguarding of the Medina of Tunis has been responsible for executing this project, in coordination with the city council, and has mobilized a professional team of architects, technicians, historians, jurists and sociologists committed to the preservation of the historic centre.
The project contributed to improving the visibility of the Medina of Tunis as a cultural platform that attracts both visitors and potential investors. In order to do so, the project highlighted the added value of the rich patrimony of the city centre, by using information and communication technologies, by elaborating materials that illustrate the main historic buildings, the cultural spaces and the handcraft and creative sector workshops as well as by suggesting new thematic circuits for visitors.
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod