MedCities participates in REV-ACTE project, under the leadership of the National Agency for Energy Management in Tunisia and coordinated by Ide-e, which aims at building the capacities of local authorities for the implementation of energy transition. The project is funded by ADEME and REPIC platform.

Following the launch of the network of Tunisian cities for climate and energy transition in April 2019, a second technical meeting was organized on 3rd and 4th July in Nabeul and Hammamet. The objectives were:

1. To validate the areas of work and activities that will be carried out in the frame of the four thematic groups during the pilot phase of the network (2019-2020) and that will focus on: (a) public lighting; (b) the energy efficiency of public buildings; (c) diversification of energy sources; and (d) sustainable mobility and transport.

2. To train the members of each group in setting up energy projects; the training session is the first of 4 « managerial » training modules for municipal project leaders.

On the eve of the technical meeting of the network, on Wednesday 3rd July, a site visit was organized in the photovoltaic system of Nabeul and the modernized section of public street lighting, implemented under SUDEP programme of the EU.

The representatives of REV-ACTE member cities were able to have an insight on the technical conditions of the installation and had a long debate in the presence of the Mayor of Nabeul, the expert responsible for the photovoltaic installation project, the municipal technicians in charge of public lighting, the National Agency for Energy Management and REV-ACTE project team.

More Info here.