MedCities is helping to build the INCIRCLE Knowledge Platform that will be available in the months to come with interesting interventions/policies/measures focussed on INCIRCLE four main pillars.

MedCities is helping to build the INCIRCLE Knowledge Platform that will be available in the months to come with interesting interventions/policies/measures focussed on INCIRCLE four main pillars, which are: energy efficiencysustainable mobilitywater and waste management. The previous described experiences could be incorporated to the project thus founding common solutions for common issues and become a reference point in CE implementation. 

Capitalising on results of previous projects is in-line with the INCIRCLE principle of reuse the great potential hidden behind already existing solutions which often remain confined to the original circumscribed areas. INCIRCLE selects and thrusts the most credited and smart results, those strictly linked with circularity principles and it adapts them to the specific needs and constraints of islands and low-density areas and gathers them in an on-line platform equipped with guiding instructions, to render solutions further transferable. The INCIRCLE Knowledge platform will be an effective disseminator of project-developed tools and methodologies to policy-makers and key actors, and one of the main tools in the capitalising process, leading by MedCities.

InCircle, is one of the Sustainable Tourism- Interreg Med program project which support insular and low density areas in the transition towards a more circular tourism economy.

You can follow all the project updates through its new website.