Following a long process of consultations with 170 Tunisian stakeholders and 10.750 citizens, the Strategic Framework for the development of Tunis was presented to the different entities and organizations that took part in the debates on the occasion of a public conference on Wednesday 7 December 2022 in Tunis.

More than 100 participants attended the conference, which was jointly organized by MedCities and the Municipality of Tunis ,as a cornerstone to enable the stakeholders of the project to switch to the next phase, namely the action plan.

The Mayor of Tunis, Ms. Souad Ben Abderrahim, together with the MedCities Secretary-General, Mr. Josep Canals, opened the event. A thorough presentation of the Strategic Framework, both in terms of process and results was given by the technical experts’ team. This Strategic Framework is a fundamental element of the A’SIMA Tunis project, funded by the European Union Delegation in Tunisia, as it identifies 4 strategic axes and relevant objectives, a strategic vision to guide the implementation of this framework as well as 5 structural programs to implement in Tunis. The 4 strategic axes are as follows:

  1. Promoting innovation and economic and cultural outreach at both the national and international levels;
  2. Strengthening the role of Tunis as the driving force of an organized and resilient metropolitan area;
  3. Improving the attractiveness of the central axis of the city and the social and functional diversity of its neighborhoods;
  4. Adopting governance, able to mobilize the stakeholders and ensure that citizens agree with shared objectives.

The public event included in the afternoon a workshop about the funding mechanisms of the action plan. City representatives as well as local and international donors, including AFD Tunis, the World Bank, UN and international cooperation agencies, gathered to discuss the funding strategy to adopt within the action plan in order to ensure its concrete implementation and find potential synergies.

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