The Union of Municipalities of Mennieh, a MedCities member, launched last August the one year program INTAJ 3 aiming at stimulating effective cooperation between local authority institutions on one side and the local communities, civil society and the private sector on the other, so to improve solid waste management and recycling services and encourage positive practices in this sector.

The program, launched in coordination with MERCY CORPS and under the auspices of the Governor of North Lebanon, will enhance the community confidence in the local authority through improved solid waste management and recycling. The Program Improved Networks, Training and jobs (INTAJ 3) is implemented by Mercy Corps with the financial support of the United Kingdom government. It will build the capacity and train service providers, municipal workers and civil society from three Municipal Unions, representing about 30 municipalities from North and Mount Lebanon so that they design and present services related to solid wastes management and recycling increasing also their capacity for conflict resolution when needed.

INTAJ 3 will also enhance the participation of local communities in the municipal decisions and thus improve the relation between the local communities and the unions. Concerned municipalities will unify, at the level of the unions, their efforts in solid waste management through formation or activation of existing community councils grouping representatives of municipal councils, civil society components and young volunteers from the private sector to enhance the management practices of solid waste sector in an effective and transparent way.          

This project strengthens and complement the technical assistance action which MedCities will implement in the Union of Mennieh in the last quarter of 2018, addressing solid waste management at the schools of the Union, raising awarenes of students on the improtance of sorting at source and providing means  for waste separation and recyling. The final scope of MedCities action and the collaboration of both initiatives was one of the core topics to address during the last technical visit of MedCities General Secretariat staff  to Lebanon, mid September.