MedCities participated in the COP21, meeting of the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranea (UNEP/MAP). During the meeting, held in Naples in December 2019, MedCities was granted the status of MAP Partner.

The Secretary General, Mr. Josep Canals, intervened in the final plenary among other partners pointing out the importance of the local authorities to be heard in international foras. Mr. Canals emphasized the ongoing intergovernmental processes on the ocean, climate change and biodiversity with a focus on the Mediterranean region: «We are here to work and we are engaged to do it. We need political and financial instruments to make structural changes in our cities, where the majority of people live in». You will fins the Secretary General’s speech here.

MedCities has a record of strong cooperation with UNEP MAP, being member of the Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development (2013-19) and by leading one of the flagship initiatives of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD, 2016-25), the regional toolkit for sustainable cities

COP21 delivered a Ministerial Declaration as the forward-looking political guidance to the MAP system, particularly in view of the definition of the Mid Term Strategy 2022-2027.